Arketipo Glorious 桌子
名稱可以透露某些屬性,Manzoni & Tapinassi 設計的 Glorious 桌子是一款不會讓人失望的桌子。 將輕盈和近乎空靈的佈置帶到家具的中心地面,展示強大的不一定是大的,而是在設計的灰色空間中發揮作用的概念。 Glorious 提供摩卡橡木或 sucupira 木材,明白讓這種設計與眾不同的不僅是材料的混合,例如植物鞣製皮革的可選抽屜,但腿中的金屬製品,設置它 除了讓它在聲明時間看起來很精緻。
Arketipo Glorious table
Names can give away certain attributes, the Glorious table by Manzoni & Tapinassi is one that cannot and does not disappoint. One that brings lightness and almost ethereal arrangement to the centre ground of furniture making showcasing that strong need not be large but a concept that plays in the grey spaces of design. Available in moka oak or sucupira wood, the Glorious understands that what sets this design apart is not only the mixture of materials, the optional draw being available in vegetable tanned leather for example, but the metal work that is incorporated in the legs, setting it apart making it look delicate in a time of statements.
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LINE: @masha.carino