這款 pp518 椅子的目的是提供一種非凡的幸福感。 您的手臂和背部由兩塊巨大的實木支撐,中間由六個紅木榫連接。 一件將挑戰任何工匠的藝術作品,顯然其唯一目的是提供崇高的坐姿體驗。 其他一切似乎都不那麼重要,但像往常一樣,韋格納設法將這種充滿活力的表達方式轉變為一個具有自己特色的平衡單元。
The purpose of this pp518 chair is to provide an exceptional sense of well-being. Your arms and back are supported by two huge pieces of solid wood joined in the middle by six rosewood tenons. A work of art that will challenge any craftsman, apparently with the sole purpose of providing a sublime sitting experience. Everything else seems less important, but as usual Wegner has managed to turn this vigorous expression into a balanced unit with its very own characteristics.
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電子信箱 masha@carinocasa.it