Minotti Allen 沙發
Allen 沙發是 Minotti 所指的“沙發”的完美示例:其流暢的線條和比例、與地板的高度以及尺寸的功能性定義了一個對象,同時又不犧牲柔和的線條和圓潤的形狀,尤其是在 武器是有關的。 儘管它是設計的產物,但艾倫肯定不缺乏舒適感,這要歸功於為背部和頭部提供全面支撐的高靠背。 手臂和背部的內部填充物是模製的,而可翻轉的座墊則覆蓋著鵝絨。 腳部由模壓鑄鋁製成,描繪了一條蜿蜒曲折的線條,證明了經典概念是 Minotti DNA 所固有的。
Minotti Allen Sofa
The Allen sofa is a perfect example of what Minotti means by “sofa”: an object defined by its smooth lines and proportions, its added height from the floor, and the functionality of its dimensions, without sacrificing soft lines and rounded shapes, especially where the arms are concerned. Even though it’s a product of design, Allen is certainly not lacking in comfort, thanks to the high back that offers total support for the back and the head. Internal padding of the arms and back is molded, while the reversible seat cushion is covered in goose down. The feet, made of molded, die cast aluminium, describe a sinuous line, proof that the classical concept is inherent to Minotti’s DNA.
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