Minotti 沙發
Andersen Slim 沙發還提供座椅深度修剪至 90 厘米的版本。 這個細節,加上纖細的扶手,可以製作適合休息室、候診室、公司辦公室和套房的小件。 Andersen Slim 90 採用單一、光滑的座墊; 而 Andersen Slim 90 Quilt 的單座墊上飾有輕微絎縫圖案。 兩者都僅適用於凸起的框架。
Minotti Sofa
Andersen Slim sofas are also available in a version with seat depth trimmed to 90 cm. This detail, along with the slim armrest, makes it possible to craft smaller pieces suited to lounges, waiting rooms, corporate offices and suites. Andersen Slim 90 features a single, smooth seat cushion; while the Andersen Slim 90 Quilt has the single seat cushion embellished with a lightly quilted motif. Both are available only with the raised frame.
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