Poltrona Frau Duo 沙發
弧形 DUO 沙發有多種版本:雙人座、三人座和模塊化,帶有 60° 轉角組件。 這款現代意大利沙發可與相配的貴妃椅組合使用,貴妃椅可作為端件放置在兩側。 內飾可以完全採用 Pelle Frau® 皮革或織物,或採用皮革/織物組合。 縫線是同色系的。 框架和靠墊的布藝內飾均可拆卸,而皮革內飾僅可拆卸座椅和靠墊。 圓柱形支腳由黑色陽極氧化鋁製成,帶有塑料墊片,或根據要求提供帶刃型。 內部結構由樺木膠合板製成,填充物為聚氨酯。 彈簧系統是用彈性帶獲得的。
Poltrona Frau Duo sofa
The curved DUO sofa is available in multiple versions: two-seater, three-seater and modular, with 60° corner components. This modern Italian sofa can be combined with a matching Chaise Longue that can be positioned as an end piece on either side. The upholstery can be entirely in Pelle Frau® leather or fabric, or in a leather/fabric combination. The stitching is tone-on-tone. The fabric upholstery is removable for both the frame and the cushions, while the leather upholstery is removable only for the seat and back cushions. The cylindrical feet are made of black anodized aluminum with plastic spacers or, upon request, in a bladed version. The internal structure is made of birch plywood and the padding is in polyurethane. The spring system is obtained with elastic straps.
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