Minotti Andersen Slim 沙發
Andersen Slim 103 的扶手更纖細,與座椅靠背的高度相同,經過精心設計,可容納任意數量的靠墊,以滿足需求或幻想的奇思妙想。 在看似混亂的情況下產生了具有驚人效果的自由形式的安排。 Andersen Slim 103 採用壓鑄鋁製成的凸起底座和支腳,帶有錫色飾面和單個長椅墊,提供優美的線條和備用尺寸,帶來視覺上輕盈舒適的效果。
Minotti Andersen Slim Sofa
Andersen Slim 103 features slimmer armrests placed at the same height as the seat back, and is crafted to accommodate any number of cushions placed to suit the whims of need or fancy. Out of seeming chaos arise free-form arrangements of striking effect. With its raised base and feet in pressure-cast aluminum with Pewter-colored finish and a single bench-seat cushion, Andersen Slim 103 offers graceful lines and spare dimensions for a visually light and comfortable effect.
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