Ligne Roset
Ligne Roset Circo 椅子
這款餐椅結合了優雅、舒適(得益於其弧形靠背提供的全方位支撐)、可用性(因為它有 7 種顏色的庫存)和適中的價格。
顧名思義,這把椅子的整個概念植根於柔軟和圓潤:圓形的腿與背部的圓形相呼應。 一體式座椅和靠背,包裹著聚氨酯泡沫,沒有一個硬點。
Ligne Roset Circo Chair
This dining chair combines elegance, comfort (thanks to the all-enveloping support offered by its curved backrest), availability (since it is held in stock in 7 colours) and a moderate price.
As its name suggests, the whole concept of this chair is rooted in softness and roundness: the round legs echo the rounded shape of the back. The integral seat and back, clad in polyurethane foam, presents not a single hard point.
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LINE: @masha.carino