de Sede
de Sede DS-17 扶手椅
巧妙的內飾強調了漫不經心的迷人造型——這就是沙發計劃! 這款沙發是真正的座椅舒適大師。 在柔軟的 DS-17 中舒適地下沉和恢復,追隨您的夢想 - 根據 de Sede 的品質。 尤其是因為它的許多應用變體和非凡的皮革變化,DS-17 是可以完美融入每個房間的模型。
de Sede DS-17 Armchair
The ingenious upholstery emphasizes the nonchalantly charming shapes - here is sofa program! This sofa is truly a master of seating comfort. Sink comfortably and recovering in the soft DS-17 and follow your dreams - according to the de Sede quality. Not least because of its many application variants and the extraordinary leather variation the DS-17 is the model which can nestle wonderfully into every room.
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LINE: @masha.carino