de Sede
de Sede DS-23 扶手椅
作為一款輕便、精緻的高背椅,DS-23 適合作為單獨的扶手椅或作為座位組的補充。 扶手由室內裝潢大師巧妙地融入身體,在身體和靠背之間形成流暢的過渡。 瑞士工藝保證了承諾 - 神奇地登上寶座。 除了無懈可擊的造型外,可隨意移動的耳墊的隱藏功能,讓您如夢似幻。
de Sede DS-23 Armchair
As a light, dainty high-back chair, the DS-23 is suitable as an individual armchair or to complement a seating group. The armrests are skillfully integrated into the body by the master upholsterers, creating a flowing transition between body and backrest. The Swiss craftsmanship guarantees the promise - to be enthroned magically. In addition to the unmistakable form, it is the hidden function of the ear cushions, which can be moved at will, that invites you to dream.
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LINE: @masha.carino