Ligne Roset
Ligne Roset Ettoriano 椅子
Ettoriano 既可用作椅子也可用作橋樑,提供既謹慎又舒適的現代解決方案。
Ettoriano 椅子令人信服的極簡主義將其鋼製底座的精巧與全包覆的一體成型外殼相結合。
由毛氈製成,這種非常流行的材料的溫暖增強了整體外殼的溫馨曲線所帶來的舒適感,旨在擁抱身體。 就琴橋而言,模壓毛氈外殼的線條勾勒出兩個喇叭形扶手,可為前臂提供出色的支撐。
Ligne Roset Ettoriano Chair
Available both as a chair and as a bridge, Ettoriano offers a contemporary solution which is both discreet and comfortable.
The convinced minimalism of the Ettoriano chair allies the finesse of its steel base with an all-enveloping one-piece moulded shell.
Made from felt, it is the warmth of this very current material which reinforces the feeling of comfort procured by the welcoming curves of the integral shell, designed as it is to hug the body. In the case of the bridge, the lines of the moulded felt shell sketch out two flared armrests which offer excellent support to the forearms.
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