Boca do Lobo Millionaire 保險櫃
Millionaire Jewelry Safe 是 Millionaire Safe 的小巧便攜版本,是一款受加州淘金熱影響的個性單品,旨在給人留下深刻印象。 內置鍍金拋光黃銅框架,帶有凹痕,激發興趣和想像力,參考舊西部的金庫搶劫企圖。 坐落在轉動的黃銅齒輪機構中,一個氣勢磅礴的安全手柄通過秘密撥號鎖組合服從主人的意願。 覆蓋門為襯有天鵝絨的開放空間留出空間,以存放最珍貴的物品,非常適合存放貴重的配飾、商務物品或其他奢華的生活方式資產,同時給人留下深刻印象。
Boca do Lobo Millionaire safe
A small and portable version of the Millionaire Safe, the Millionaire Jewelry Safe is a statement piece influenced by the California Gold Rush and designed to cause an impression. Built in a gold-plated polished brass frame with dents that spark both interest and imagination, referencing the vault robbery attempts in the old west. Nestled in a turned brass gear-wheel mechanism, an imposing safe handle obeys the will of is master through a secret dial lock combination. The overlay door makes room for an open space lined in velvet to keep the most treasurable items, making it perfect to store valuable accessories, business items or other luxury lifestyle assets while causing an impression.
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LINE: @masha.carino