Cappellini Homage 櫃子
卡佩里尼與藝術界之間有著密切的聯繫,目錄中向蒙德里安致敬的櫥櫃證實了這一點。 這個設計由 Shiro Kuramata 設計,是對抽象表現主義先驅之一皮特·蒙德里安 (Piet Mondrian) 的致敬。
荷蘭畫家的畫作被轉移到木頭上,創造出以極端形式純粹為特徵的家具; 提供兩種啞光漆版本,並使用黑色、白色、藍色、紅色和黃色進行固定顏色配對。
在Homage to Mondrian中,每扇門和抽屜的尺寸都不一樣,適合存放各種物品。 這些櫥櫃配有輪子。
Cappellini Homage cabinet
There is a strong connection between Capellini and the art world, as confirmed by the presence of the Homage to Mondrian cabinet in the catalogue. This design, by Shiro Kuramata, is a celebration of one of the pioneers of abstract expressionism, Piet Mondrian. The paintings of the Dutch painter have been transposed onto wood, creating furniture that is characterized by extreme formal purity; available in two matte lacquered versions with set colour pairings using black, white, blue, red and yellow. In Homage to Mondrian, each door and drawer is a different size, making it suitable for storing of a variety of objects. These cabinets are equipped with wheels.
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