Cappellini Flexi 櫃子
Studio Cappellini 的 Flexi Container 系統圍繞一個底座和一個箱子構建,有兩個版本:獨立式地板版本(深度為 43 或 58 厘米)或壁掛式版本(深度為 43 厘米)。
對於 Flexi Container 系統,可以為各種組件選擇不同的顏色和飾面,以創建門、抽屜和開放式隔間的自定義組合。 這些組合物有光澤或啞光飾面,有該系列的所有顏色。
Cappellini Flexi cabinet
The Flexi Container system by Studio Cappellini is built around a base element and a case, available in two versions: a free-standing floor version (with a depth of 43 or 58 cm) or wall mounting (43 cm in depth).
A series of freely combinable units (shelves, doors, bases, tops, handles and accessories, as well as the aforementioned cases) allows for personalized configurations of the system.
For the Flexi Container system, it is possible to select different colours and finishes for the various components, to create custom combinations of doors, drawers and open compartments. The compositions are available with glossy or matte finish, in all the colours from the collection.
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LINE: @masha.carino