Cappellini El Paso 櫃子
朱利奧·卡佩里尼 (Giulio Cappellini) 設計的埃爾帕索 (El Paso) 櫥櫃在理性主義的嚴謹與現代材料的使用之間取得了完美的平衡,充滿了令人愉悅的色彩對比。
櫃子採用無菸煤色啞光漆,或根據要求採用該系列的所有顏色,襯托出有啞光漆或光面飾面(該系列的顏色)或新的光面飾面的櫃門 金屬漆面(4 種色調)。
門在特別設計的鉸鏈上打開:在 El Paso 餐具櫃上,把手和任何形式的裝飾元素都完全沒有……而且是理所當然的。 這種選擇讓觀眾的目光停留在絕對乾淨的線條上,這些線條賦予輕盈感和極度線性,使設計幾乎具有建築感。
Cappellini El Paso cabinet
The perfect equilibrium between rationalist rigour and modern use of materials, the El Paso cabinet by Giulio Cappellini is animated by delightful chromatic contrasts.
The cabinet, matte lacquered in anthracite colour or, upon request, in all the colours from the collection, sets off the doors which are available in either a matte lacquered or glossy finish (in the colours from the collection), or in the new glossy metallic lacquered finish (in 4 shades).
The doors open on specially-designed hinges: on the El Paso sideboard, handles and any form of decorative element, are completely absent…and justifiably so. This choice allows the viewer’s gaze to rest on absolutely clean lines which impart a sense of lightness and extreme linearity, making the design almost architectural.
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LINE: @masha.carino