Milan Fair 2023. 米蘭展 2023
Promemoria Geber 茶几
在這個模具內,熔化的黃銅像火山熔岩一樣傾倒。 然後,根據冷卻和大氣條件,金屬凝固,每次都呈現出獨特且不可重複的形狀。 換句話說:初始模型是標準的、批量生產的,但始終是獨一無二的。 幾乎是煉金工藝品。 Geber 桌子的名字並非沒有,它的靈感來自阿拉伯煉金術士 Giābir ibn Hayyān,據他說,相互接觸的物體可以改變並獲得新的特性。
Promemoria Geber
Inside this mould, molten brass is poured like volcanic lava. Then, depending on cooling and atmospheric conditions, the metal solidifies, taking on a unique and unrepeatable shape each time. In other words: the initial model is standard, mass produced, but always resulting in a unique piece. Almost an alchemical artefact. Not for nothing, from its very name, the Geber table draws inspiration from the Arab alchemist Giābir ibn Hayyān, according to whom bodies placed in contact with each other can change and acquire new properties.
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LINE: @masha.carino