Milan Fair 2023. 米蘭展 2023
Promemoria Itaca 椅子
Itaca 椅子的設計靈感來自航海世界:兩個三角形的主帆,固定和拉伸,形成扶手椅的座椅和靠背。 兩個織物帆也經過處理,適合戶外使用,帶有加固的環狀末端,用於連接彈簧鉤。 整個結構由焊接不銹鋼桿製成,而垂直型材“桅杆”由帶有“拋光”鋁套圈的鋼製成。 就像在開闊的海上收帆一樣,通過傾斜桅杆,靠背可以傾斜。 作為實驗音樂家出身的 Gazzola 大膽地將一件讓人聯想到戶外、公海、航海和旅行的“家具”搬進了家居室內。 這表明設計職業之一是如何使缺席變得有形。
Promemoria Itaca chair
The design of the Itaca chair is inspired by the sailing world: two triangular mainsails, anchored and stretched, form the armchair’s seat and backrest. The two fabric sails have been treated also for the outdoor, with reinforced looped ends for attaching snap hooks. The entire structure is made of welded stainless-steel rod, while the vertical profile, “the mast”, is made of steel with “polished” aluminium ferrules. As on the open sea when the sails are trimmed, by tilting the mast the backrest can recline. Gazzola, who was born as an experimental musician, makes a daring dislocation by transferring a “piece of furniture” that evokes the outdoors, open sea, navigation and travel into the home interior. This shows how one of the design vocations is to make absence tangible.
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LINE: @masha.carino