Milan Fair 2023. 米蘭展 2023
Promemoria Elle 鏡子
Elle 由兩面 L 形鏡子組成,它們靠在牆上,相互配合,相互補充,形成和諧平衡的構圖。 即使是所用材料的組合也呈現出兩種可能的版本,它們彼此相反:帶有桃花心木波浪形鑲嵌的楓木,或帶有楓木波浪形鑲嵌的桃花心木。 對比本質,簡而言之,在一種煉金術組合中,發揮消極和積極之間的對比,以及互補幾何形狀的吸引力。
Promemoria Elle mirror
Elle comprises of two L-shaped mirrors, leaning against the wall, fit into each other, becoming complementary and generating a harmonious and balanced composition. Even the combination of materials used presents two possible versions that are the reverse of each other: maple with mahogany wave inlays, or mahogany with maple wave inlays. Contrasting essences, in short, in an alchemic combination that plays on the contrast between negative and positive, and the attraction of complementary geometric shapes.
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LINE: @masha.carino