Flexform Guscio Soft 扶手椅
Guscio 扶手椅有力地體現了優雅和溫馨的氛圍,擁有包絡的線條和無可挑剔的結構,這些特點增強了其自然能力,可輕鬆佈置住宅和酒店空間——如休息區、公司辦公室和精品店。 該結構是一個由結構聚氨酯泡沫製成的包覆式外殼,而座墊則採用鵝絨製成,並帶有一個採用防壓材料製成的芯插入件。 為了確保最大程度的舒適度,Guscio Soft 版本在座椅靠背上配備了額外的襯墊,並額外增加了一層滌綸和記憶泡沫。
Flexform Guscio Soft Armchair
A powerful encapsulation of elegance and inviting warmth, the Guscio armchair possesses enveloping lines and impeccable construction, features that enhance its natural aptitude for effortlessly furnishing both residential and hospitality spaces – like lounge areas, corporate offices and boutiques. The structure is an enveloping shell made of structural polyurethane foam, while the seat cushion is in goose down with a core insert in crushproof material. To ensure the utmost in comfort, the Guscio Soft version comes with additional padding in the seat back and an extra layer of Dacron and memory foam.
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