Rimadesio 滑動門
Graphis 燈是專為關閉壁龕和步入式衣櫥而設計的建議。 對滑動面板 Graphis plus 的補充建議,其輕型版本的特點是其單層玻璃面板,與鋁結構相關聯,完全防塵,這要歸功於獨特的周邊接頭。
獨特的天花板、內置和牆壁固定導軌系統已獲得專利,可確保最大程度的設計簡潔性和整體建築一體化,由區分其獨特性的不同功能元素組成。 通過專用於我們的滑動系統的深入信息表發現它們,通過技術和風格分析了解 Rimadesio 提案。
Rimadesio sliding doors
Graphis light is the proposal especially designed to close niches and walk-in closets. A complementary proposal to the sliding panels Graphis plus, characterised in the light version by its single glazed panel, associated to an aluminium structure, perfectly dust-proof, thanks to an exclusive perimeter joint.
The exclusive ceiling, built-in and wall fixed rail system, patented to guarantee maximum design simplicity and total architectural integration, is composed of different functional elements that distinguish its uniqueness. Discover them through an in-depth information sheet dedicated to our sliding systems, a technical and stylistic analysis to get to know the Rimadesio proposal.
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LINE: @masha.carino