Minotti Lido 餐椅
扶手椅有一種尺寸和兩種底座。 一種是 X 形鋁製版本,表面覆蓋有拉絲灰和 Moka 開孔漆面。 其他實木支腿:摩卡漆開孔拉絲灰或亞光聚酯漆深棕色卡納萊托胡桃木。 一個匹配的腳凳完成了這幅畫。 腿的頂部有一個有趣的青銅漆鋼裝飾插件,優雅地區分了腿連接框架的點。
Minotti Lido Dining Armchair
The armchair is available in one size and with two types of bases. One is the X-shaped aluminium version covered in brushed ash with a Moka open-pore lacquered finish. The other features legs in solid wood: Moka lacquered open-pore brushed ash or matt polyester lacquered Dark Brown stained Canaletto walnut. A matching footstool completes the picture. The tops of the legs feature an interesting decorative insert in Bronze varnished steel, elegantly distinguishing the point where the legs join the frame.
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