Minotti Fynn 單椅
斯堪的納維亞價值觀在 Fynn 與意大利傳統相得益彰,該項目通過將木質元素中的精美櫥櫃製作與織物或馬鞍皮的精緻內飾相結合而創建。 Fynn 座椅的標誌性元素是扶手,細長且略微彎曲,圓潤且觸感光滑,100% 手工製作。 其精確、明確的線條在 Fynn 和 Fynn Saddle-Hide 兩種版本中識別了整個座椅系列。 包覆該系列的獨家面料和馬鞍皮,充分體現了 Minotti 一貫的高雅剪裁工藝的高水準。
Minotti Fynn Dining Armchair
Scandinavian values meet Italian tradition in Fynn, a project created by combining fine cabinet-making in the wooden elements and sophisticated upholstering with fabric or saddle-hide. The signature element of the Fynn seats is the armrest, elongated and slightly curved, rounded and smooth to the touch, 100% handmade. Its precise, well-defined line identifies the whole family of seats, in the two Fynn and Fynn Saddle-Hide versions. Covered with the exclusive fabrics and saddle-hides in the collection, it fully expresses the high level of the elegant sartorial process which has always been Minotti’s distinguishing mark.
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LINE: @masha.carino