Rimadesio Stripe 滑動門
Stripe 門的典型鋁製橫梁安裝在面板的兩側,使它們成為完美的雙面,非常適合房屋的任何部分,從起居室到夜間區域,以及專業設置。 一個高圖形價值的解決方案,其中水平橫梁為從玻璃面板穿過的光線提供節奏,總是產生不同的結果。
Rimadesio Stripe sliding doors
The typical aluminium crosspieces of the Stripe doors are installed on both sides of the panels, making them perfectly double-sided and ideal for any section of the house, from living to night areas, as well as for professional settings. A high graphic value solution, where the horizontal crosspieces give rhythm to the light passing from the glass panel with always different results.
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