Flexform Mixer 桌子
由於其非常腳踏實地的設計骨骼,Mixer 是一張可以用於多種用途的桌子,旨在很好地適應住宅環境或辦公室或會議室。 簡單的金屬腿採用緞面處理或漆成黑色或鋁色,並配備自鎖旋轉腳輪,使 Mixer 更加靈活和實用。 頂部採用卡納萊托胡桃木或白蠟木貼面,有多種污漬。 除了矩形版本,Mixer 還提供獨特的“芸豆”形狀,設計為家庭辦公室的理想解決方案。
Flexform Mixer Table
Thanks to its very down-to-earth design bones, Mixer is a table that can be put to many kinds of use, designed to fit well in residential settings or in offices or conference rooms. The uncomplicated metal legs come in satin finish or painted black or aluminum color and are equipped with self-locking swivel casters that make Mixer even more fleet-footed and functional. The top is in Canaletto walnut or ash veneer, in a wide range of stains. In addition to the rectangular version, Mixer is also available in a unique contoured “kidney-bean” shape, designed as an ideal solution for the home office.
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