Flexform Levante 桌子
餐桌的特點是故意簡單的設計和有趣的材料對比。 奧氏體不銹鋼 316 底座的樸素與板條實心 iroko 頂部的紋理美感相得益彰,可提供自然飾面、染色灰色或漆白色飾面。 不銹鋼底座採用白色、卡其綠色、酒紅色或拋光處理的環氧樹脂粉末塗層。 強烈建議使用相應的蓋子使 Levante 桌子保持最佳狀態,並儘可能延長其原有的美感。
Flexform Levante Table
A dining table distinguished by a deliberately uncomplicated design and an intriguing contrast of materials. The austerity of the austenitic stainless steel 316 base stands out against the textural beauty of the slatted solid iroko top, available with natural finish, stained grey or lacquered white finish. The stainless-steel base is epoxy powder-coated in white, khaki green, wine red or with a burnished finish. It is strongly advised that the respective covers be used to keep the Levante tables in top condition and prolong their original beauty as much as possible.
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