Cattelan Latitude 書架
一個書櫃,多種選擇。 Latitude 模塊化書櫃由一個可重複的模塊組成,可形成許多組合物,充分利用房間的空間和牆壁。 Latitude 書櫃成功地強調了垂直構圖的柱子的高度。 採用矩形配置,它成為一個完美的房間隔斷,一個讓你看透的隔斷書櫃。 它採用低水平組合,是一個理想的服務櫃,可以靠在牆上或靠在沙發靠背或床背上,放置在房間的中央。
Cattelan Latitude Bookshelf
One bookcase, several options. The Latitude modular bookcase consists of a single repeatable module which forms many compositions, making the most out of a room's space and walls. The Latitude bookcase succeeds in emphasizing the height of a column with a vertical composition. With a rectangular configuration it becomes a perfect room divider, a partition bookcase which allow you to see through. With a low horizontal composition it turns out to be an ideal service cabinet leaning against a wall or placed against the back of a sofa or the back of a bed, placed in the center of the room.
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