Flexform Moka 桌子
Moka 桌子由 Mario Asnago 和 Claudio Vender 於 1939 年設計,自 1985 年以來一直是 Flexform 系列的一部分。Mario Asnago 和 Claudio Vender 在 1930 年代開始了他們的專業合作關係,被公認為意大利理性主義的主要代表之一。 就像它的同名椅子一樣,Moka 桌子令人驚訝地現代且密集,其設計參考讓人聯想到純粹的理性主義。 細長、優雅的管狀金屬桌腳採用黑色、白色或鋁色漆面,與同樣低調的桌面完全兼容,有木質或玻璃可供選擇。 Moka 桌子的純粹、簡單的設計使其成為確保不會受到轉瞬即逝的時間和時尚影響的產品之一。
Flexform Moka Table
Designed in 1939 by Mario Asnago and Claudio Vender, the Moka table has been part of the Flexform collection since 1985. Mario Asnago and Claudio Vender commenced their professional partnership in the 1930s and are legitimately considered among the leading exponents of Italian rationalism. Like its namesake chair, the Moka table is surprisingly modern and dense with design references reminiscent of pure rationalism. The slender, elegant tubular metal table base comes in painted black, white or aluminum color that is thoroughly compatible with the equally understated top, available in wood or glass. The pure, uncomplicated design of the Moka table places it among the products sure to remain untouched by fleeting time and fashions.
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