Flexform Monreale 桌子
木材的溫暖感覺——一種充滿活力的材料,與其他材料一樣富有表現力——為 Monreale 桌子賦予了非凡的個性。 Monreale 桌子的每一個構造細節都體現了其看似簡單背後隱藏的複雜性。 堅固但樸素的實木腿強調了這張桌子的優良自然品質,並且是如何以現代形式重新審視櫥櫃製造傳統的精美例子。 大而莊重的頂部採用卡納萊托胡桃木或白蠟木貼面,有多種污漬可供選擇。 憑藉其寬大的比例,Monreale 餐桌最多可容納十位食客。
Flexform Monreale Table
The warm feel of wood – a vibrant material, expressive like few others – lends the Monreale table an extraordinary personality. The complexity concealed behind its apparent simplicity is evident in every construction detail of the Monreale table. The substantial though unadorned solid wood legs emphasize the fine natural qualities that distinguish this table and are an exquisite example of how the cabinetmaking tradition can be revisited in a contemporary guise. The massive, dignified top comes in Canaletto walnut or ash veneer, available in a wide range of stains. With its generous proportions, the Monreale table can accommodate up to ten diners.
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