Alcarol Peatland 椅子
Alcarol 發現了一些不尋常的黑色橡樹樹幹,這些樹幹位於高山小泥炭中。 放射性碳測年揭示了它們的年齡:基督之前的五世紀。
泥炭地是一個潮濕的地區,積累了死亡植物材料的沉積物,地表的水呈酸性、厭氧且營養物質含量低。 被剝奪了氧氣,埋藏的木頭經歷了石化的過程。 泥炭保護木材免受正常腐爛,而下面的泥炭與鐵鹽和其他礦物質與木材中的單寧反應,逐漸使其呈現出明顯的深棕色到幾乎黑色的顏色。
Alcarol Peatland Chair
Alcarol recovered some unusual black trunks of Oak trees lain in a small Alpine peat. The radiocarbon dating has revealed their age: the fifth century before Christ.
Peatland is a wet area that accumulates deposit of dead plant material where the water at the ground surface is acidic, anaerobic and low in nutrients. Deprived of oxygen, the buried wood undergoes the process of fossilization. The peat protect the wood from normal decay, while the underlying peat with iron salts and other minerals react with the tannins in the wood, gradually giving it a distinct dark brown to almost black color.
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