B&B Canasta 扶手椅
帶有幾何裝飾圖案的維也納稻草是西班牙籃子術語 Canasta 的靈感來源。 放大到宏觀比例,該設計應用於具有引人注目的效果的扶手椅,可提供高靠背或低靠背。 兩者的特點都是編織在粉末塗層鋁框架上的聚乙烯纖維帶。 Canasta 風格經典,但具有現代感的可塑性,是一個超裝飾系列,非常適合在游泳池邊緣或繁茂的花園中使用。 除了扶手椅,這個家庭還包括沙發、桌子、小桌子和其他家具。
B&B Canasta Armchair
Vienna straw, with its geometric decorative pattern, is the inspiration behind Canasta, the Spanish term for basket. Enlarged to macro proportions, the design is applied to armchairs with a striking effect, available with a high or low backrest. Both are characterised by polyethylene fibre ribbons woven onto a powder-coated aluminium frame. Classic in style but with a contemporary sense of plasticity, Canasta is a hyper-decorative collection, ideal for use at the edge of a swimming pool or in a luxuriant garden. In addition to armchairs, the family also includes sofas, tables, small tables, and other furnishings.
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