Cappellini Wooden 椅子
馬克·紐森 (Marc Newson) 的木椅誕生於將木材的操縱推向極限的願望,是偉大實驗和大膽的成功證明。 木椅是一款現代、創新的座椅,但它也溫暖、溫馨、舒適。 該結構由塗油的天然實心山毛櫸木製成,具有流動性和連續性,幾乎是有機的。 山毛櫸木板用熱蒸汽彎曲成雙曲線,由兩根水平鋼筋支撐:兩端有 2 根,座椅區域有 3 根,全部用可見螺絲固定。
Cappellini Wooden Chair
Successful proof of great experimentation and daring, the Wooden Chair by Marc Newson was born of the desire to push the manipulation of wood to its limits. Wooden Chair is a modern, innovative seat, yet it is also warm, cosy and comfortable. The structure, made of oiled natural solid beech wood, is fluid and continuous, almost organic. The beech wood planks, bent with hot steam to form a double curve, are supported by two horizontal reinforcements: 2 at the ends and 3 in the seat area, all fastened with visible screws.
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