Alcarol Dolomyth 凳子
alcarol 從一個廢棄的採石場取回了當地的石塊。 這塊石頭部分覆蓋著原生苔蘚和地衣,使其表面可以捕捉到多洛米蒂山脈的地理地圖。 在垂直剖面上,可以清楚地看到不同的地質沉積層,色調從古色古香的粉紅色到灰色不等。 砌塊的頂面是岩石粗糙且起皺的天然表面,未經打磨,未經人工加工。 alcarol 使用一種樹脂保存了這種以時間為標誌的“皮膚”,這種樹脂類似於這些石頭在不同地質時代淹沒的水,凍結了當下,賦予了這些塊新的功能和新的設計。
Alcarol Dolomyth Stool
alcarol retrieved blocks of local stone from an abandoned quarry. This stone is partially covered with native mosses and lichens giving it a surface that captures the geographical maps of the Dolomite’s mountains. In the vertical section planes are clearly visible the different layers of geological sedimentation, with shades ranging from antique pink to gray. The top surface of the blocks is the rough and wrinkled natural surface of the rock, unsanded and not worked by man. alcarol has preserved this “skin” marked by time using a resin resembling the water in which these stones lay submerged through various geological eras, freezing the present instant and endowing the blocks with new functionality and new design.
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