Alcarol Karst Fisheye 凳子
alcarol 回收了部分覆蓋著原生苔蘚和地衣的當地喀斯特石塊。 這種帶有時間標記的表皮使用一種水狀透明樹脂保存下來,以喚起這些岩石在各個時代被淹沒、被水穿越和侵蝕的特殊環境,同時創造出一種不同尋常的輕盈效果 彷彿石頭懸浮在一個漂浮的瞬間。 這個邊桌平面上的部分揭示了水產生的驚人的形狀和空洞,凍結了現在的瞬間,賦予了積木新的和永恆的功能。
Alcarol Karst Fisheye Stool
alcarol retrieved pieces of local karst stone partially covered with native mosses and lichens. This skin marked by time has been preserved using a water-like transparent resin, in order to recall the particular environment in which these rocks are submerged through various eras, crossed and eroded by water, and creating at the same time an unusual effect of lightness as if the stones were suspended in a floating instant. The section on this side table planes reveal the amazing shapes and cavities generated by the water, freezing the present instant and endowing the blocks with a new and eternal functionality.
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