Bugatti Cobra 扶手椅
作為 Icon 系列的標誌,Cobra 椅子重新詮釋了 1902 年由 Carlo Bugatti 設計和創造的原始版本,採用現代風格。 創新和尖端,Cobra 椅子是圍繞一個項目開發的,該項目將光滑的弧形靠背、底座和座椅組合成一個單一的元素,只被一個設計用來容納燕尾服尾巴的間隙打斷。 皮革背面飾有刺繡 EB 標誌,碳纖維框架為 Blue Royale 顏色。 藍色和白色限量版,帶有特別標誌,以紀念布加迪 110 週年。
Bugatti Cobra Armchair
A hallmark of the Icon Collection, the Cobra chair reinterprets the original version designed and created in 1902 by Carlo Bugatti in a contemporary key. Innovative and cutting edge, the Cobra chair is developed around a project that combines the sleek curved back, base and seat into a single element, interrupted only by a gap designed to contain the tails of a tailcoat. Leather covered with embroidery EB logo on the back, the carbon fiber frame is in Blue Royale colour. Limited edition in blue and white, with a special logo tribute to Bugatti’s 110th anniversary.
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