Alcarol Wetland Relic 玄關桌
Abonos 是一個凱爾特人的名字,表示阿爾卑斯山一些罕見的沖積區的“化石”濕地木材類型,那裡的礦物質和水已經開始了被淹沒樹木的半化石化過程。
水流將水中的礦物質和鐵與木材中的單寧結合在一起,在此過程中自然硬化並著色木材。 這在木紋的色階上清晰可見——從金色變為黑色——始終具有獨特的色調。
就像數千年的水一樣,alcarol 的透明樹脂圍繞著這種獨特木材的有機形狀,保留並增強了它的所有珍貴和魅力。
Alcarol Wetland Relic Console
Abonos is a Celtic name which indicates the “fossil” wetland wood type of some rare alluvial areas of the Alps, where minerals and water have started the semi-fossilization process of the submerged trees.
Currents bind the minerals and iron in the water with tannins in the wood, naturally hardening and colouring the wood in the process. This is clearly visible on the chromatics scale of the woodgrain – changing from golden to black – with always unique shades.
This wood finally comes to light like a jewel of the past, through a careful, complex work of recovery and processing.
Like the water over millennia, the alcarol’s transparent resin surrounds the organic shapes of this unique wood, preserving and enhancing all its preciousness and charm.
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