Hästens Ebbe 床頭板
乍一看,低調的 Hästens Ebbe 床頭板就是簡單的定義。 然後您會注意到細緻的接縫,這是對工藝的致敬。 無論您選擇純棉提花、美利奴羊毛或帆布飾面,還是將床頭板固定在牆壁或床上,這款床頭板都能夜復一夜地低語優雅。 由松木、羊毛和棉花製成。
床頭板有 25 種替代面料可供選擇,並且可以訂購各種英國、美國和歐洲尺寸。 Ebbe 床頭板有兩種高度,95 厘米或 125 厘米。 請選擇您需要的尺寸以顯示高度和麵料選項。
Hästens Ebbe Headboard
At first glance, the understated Hästens Ebbe headboard is the very definition of simple. Then you notice the detailed seams, a tribute to craftsmanship. Whether you choose a cotton jacquard, merino wool or canvas finish, or affix your headboard to the wall or bed, this headboard whispers elegance, night after night. Made from pine, wool and cotton.
The headboard is available in a selection of 25 alternative fabrics and available to order in a full selection of U.K, U.S and European sizes. The Ebbe headboard is available in two heights, 95cm or 125cm. Please select your required size to reveal the height and fabric options.
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