Meissen Stylised Berries tea set
這款 1770/80 年代的手繪 dejeuner 是邁森古典主義的傑出典範。 當時,豐富的巴洛克式形式和色彩繽紛的裝飾讓位於更樸素的設計,這一限量版晚宴服務以幾何形狀和寶藍色背景下的剛毅對稱性體現了這一點。 將此與作為限量再版“Masterpieces 2019”的一部分創作的繪畫進行對比。 詳細的手繪漿果樹枝和昆蟲借鑒了比德邁自然圖案,延續了金色蝕刻的皇家藍色背景,為晚餐服務增添了自然的活力。 在這種形式和裝飾的相互作用中,Dejeuner 和諧地匯集了邁森製造廠的兩個決定性的風格時代。 對於這一具有歷史意義的晚宴服務的限量版,眾多的獨立作品已被簡化為雙人咖啡廳。 如果您有興趣,這款手繪裝飾的dejeuner 將專為您打造。
Meissen Stylised Berries 茶具
This hand-painted dejeuner from 1770/80 is an outstanding example of Meissen Classicism. At that time, the abundance of baroque forms and colorful decorations gave way to a more austere design, which is expressed in this limited edition dinner service with geometric shapes and resolute symmetry in a royal blue background. Contrast this with the painting created as part of the limited reissue "Masterpieces 2019". Detailed hand-painted berry branches and insects are borrowed from Biedermeier nature motifs, continue on a royal blue background in gold etching and give the dinner service a natural liveliness. In this interplay of form and decoration, the Dejeuner harmoniously brings together two defining stylistic epochs of the Meissen manufactory. For this limited edition of the historic dinner service, the numerous individual pieces have been reduced to a café à deux. If you are interested, this hand-painted decorated dejeuner will be made exclusively for you.
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LINE: @masha.carino