Meissen Seasons tea set
這款帝國風格的咖啡具是根據 Ernst August Leuteritz(1818-1893 年)設計的,散發著 19 世紀特有的奇思妙想和豐富的細節。 該佈景採用邁森花卉畫的自然主義風格裝飾,即所謂的布勞恩斯多夫風格,仿照朱利葉斯·愛德華·布勞恩斯多夫。 瓷器畫家 Steffi Wobeda 在製作這件作品時參考了大量檔案繪畫資源,從她廣泛的圖案中可以看出這一點。 其結果是對比德邁時代宜人的茶和咖啡傳統的田園詩般的、芬芳的致敬。
Meissen Seasons 茶具
This Empire-style coffee set after Ernst August Leuteritz (1818-1893) exudes the whimsy and abundance of detail so characteristic of the 19. century. The set has been decorated in the naturalistic style of Meissen flower painting, the so-called Braunsdorf style after Julius Eduard Braunsdorf. Porcelain painter Steffi Wobeda consulted numerous archived painting sources when producing it, as can be seen from her wide range of motifs. The upshot is an idyllic, sweet-smelling tribute to the agreeable tea and coffee tradition of the Biedermeier age.
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