Meissen Birds in Flight tea set
1930 年,建模大師 Emil Paul Börner 對 Dejeuner 的清晰設計語言形成了完美的投影表面,用於手繪和限量版重新詮釋經典。 “飛行中的鳥類”晚餐服務展示了各種飛行中的鳥類——邁森裝飾語言的首創,由奧托·德羅格斯勒 (Otto Drögsler) 創作。 一隻手繪的動畫鴿子張開雙翼落在茶壺上,盤子上放著松鴉和沼澤山雀,糖罐上裝飾著來自亞洲的奇異鳥——雄偉的松鴉。 dejeuner 的繪畫特別精緻,有灰泥雲和豐富的細節。 同樣豐富多彩的是,晚餐服務將精緻的藍色、紫羅蘭色調與柔和的淡黃色相結合,營造出和諧的氛圍。 作為限量版和手繪再版,Dejeuner 始終忠於製造廠的基本原則,將傳統與現代、百年工藝與變革天賦相結合。 由於數量有限,晚宴服務描述了邁森瓷器歷史的獨特體驗。
Meissen Birds in Flight 茶具
The clear design language of the Dejeuner by master modeller Emil Paul Börner from 1930 forms the perfect projection surface for a hand-painted and limited edition reinterpretation of the classic. The "Birds in Flight" dinner service shows various species of birds in flight - a first in Meissen's decorative language, created by Otto Drögsler. With wings spread wide, a hand-painted animated dove lands on the teapot, jay and marsh tit on plates and the sugar bowl is decorated by the magnificent jay, an exotic bird from Asia. The painting of the dejeuner is particularly elaborate with stuccoed clouds and rich detail. Also in its colorfulness, the dinner service with its union of delicate blue, violet tones with soft pastel yellow makes a harmonious ensemble. As a limited edition and hand-painted reissue, the Dejeuner remains true to the basic principles of the manufactory and combines tradition with modernity, centuries-old craftsmanship with a flair for change. With a limited number of pieces available, the dinner service describes a unique experience of Meissen porcelain history.
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