Meissen Dejeuner with Golden Garden tea set
“Dejeuner with Golden Garden”盤子是限量版,是一種優雅而華麗的晚宴服務。 它由兩個帶碟子的摩卡咖啡杯、一個鍋和一個托盤組成。 最好的裝飾品,用珍貴的黃金 prokat 手繪,在 23 克拉黃金的啞光錶面襯托下顯得格外醒目。 精緻的鈷藍色釉下彩繪邊框圍繞著華麗的金色裝飾。 這是在 Dejeuner 水罐上大規模手繪,在托盤和碟子上手繪的寬幅圖案。 晚餐服務限50件。
Meissen 茶具
The "Dejeuner with Golden Garden" plate is limited edition and is a graceful and magnificent dinner service. It consists of two mocha cups with saucers, a pot and a serving tray. The finest ornaments, hand-painted with precious gold prokat, stand out brilliantly against the matte surface of 23-karat gold. Delicate borders of cobalt blue underglaze painting play around the opulent gold decor. This is hand-painted on a large scale on the Dejeuner pitcher and in broad bands on the tray and saucers. The dinner service is limited to 50 pieces.
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