Ligne Roset
Ligne Roset Canaletto 櫃子
門的玻璃與煙熏、拉絲陽極氧化鋁框架齊平安裝,由青銅鞅下的隱形膠水固定。 下部擱板採用金屬材質,纖薄、塗漆,完全後置,連接到背板上。 後面板佈置在擱板之間。 它們要么是深色胡桃木貼面,要么是塗漆的。 在這些作品中,照明極大地豐富了它們的外觀,並以最佳效果顯示門和側面後面的物體輪廓。
這種照明有兩種形式:在顯示單元中,4 個水平照明條設置在 4 個背板上,帶有一個煙熏擴散器,它不會產生眩光,即使在未點亮時也很有吸引力。 如果需要,帶有遙控器和調光器的版本可以降低光強度。
Ligne Roset Canaletto Sideboard
The glass of the doors is mounted flush with the smoked, brushed anodised aluminium frames, held in place by invisible glue beneath a bronze martingale. The lower shelves are in metal and are slim, lacquered and entirely rear-mounted, being attached to the back panels. The back panels are arranged between the shelves. They are either in dark walnut veneer, or lacquered. In such pieces as these, lighting considerably enriches their appearance and shows to best effect the outlines of objects behind the doors and sides.
This lighting takes two forms : In the display unit there are 4 horizontal illuminated strips set into the 4 back panels, with a smoked diffuser which does not allow glare and which is attractive even when unlit. The version with remote control and dimmer enables the light intensity to be reduced if desired.
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