Hästens Appaloosa
設計二人組以立體主義時代為靈感,將原有的色彩交織在一起,為Hästens Appaloosa床創造了一種新的圖案,四個色域構成了一個圖形抽象,並投射出一種運動感。 此外,受立體主義啟發的不規則圖案為眼睛創造了一種有趣的深度。 因此,突破了傳統床設計的界限。 床的名字來自美國的阿帕盧薩馬。 我們都認識阿帕盧薩馬,因為它們有五顏六色的皮毛和不規則的斑點。
Hästens Appaloosa
With inspiration from the cubism era, the design duo interweaved the original colors to create a new pattern for Hästens Appaloosa bed ,where four colour fields make up a graphic abstraction and projects a sense of movement. Also, the irregular pattern, inspired by cubism, creates an interesting depth to the eye. Therefore pushing the boundaries beyond traditional bed design. The bed’s name comes from the Appaloosa horses of America. We all recognise the Appaloosa horses for their colorful coats and also their irregular spots.
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