Hästens Maranga
Hästens Maranga 是一款時尚的現代豪華床。 它是海絲騰系列中最受歡迎的。
當您躺在 Hästens Maranga 床上時,您會立即感受到失重感。 您的身體壓力點將得到輕柔的支撐。 當您逐漸入睡時,您會感覺自己漂浮在雲上。Hästens Maranga 共有 27 層,包括馬尾毛、棉花、羊毛和亞麻。 查看完整規格。 通過海絲騰設計和完善的層層疊疊技術手工拼接各層。Hästens Maranga 床是該系列中最受歡迎和最受歡迎的床之一。
Hästens Maranga
The Hästens Maranga bed is a stylish contemporary luxury bed. It's the most popular in the Hästens range.
When you lie on your Hästens Maranga Bed you will immediately feel a sense of weightlessness. Your body pressure points will be gently supported. As you drift off to sleep you will feel you are floating on a cloud.
There are 27 layers in the Hästens Maranga which includes horsetail hair, cotton, wool and flax. See full specification. The layers are joined by hand with the layer-upon-layer technique, devised and perfected by Hästens.
The Hästens Maranga bed is one of the most loved and popular beds in the collection.
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