Cattelan Axel 椅子
Axel 是廚房島的現代凳子,由設計工作室 Archirivolto 構思。 Cattelan Italia 的所有產品都體現了舒適設計的特點。 符合人體工程學的座椅覆蓋著柔軟的軟墊。 褶皺賦予外殼以節奏感和體積感,使這款靠背凳成為半島廚房或合同室內設計項目中的必備品。 超輕、可旋轉、可調節高度、腳凳和靠背:帶靠背 Axel 和 Axel X 的高腳凳在底座上有所不同,擁有被視為現代設計精緻物品所需的一切。
Cattelan Axel Stool
Axel is a modern stools for kitchen island, conceived by the design studio Archirivolto. It is the expression of the comfortable design that characterizes all Cattelan Italia products. The ergonomic seat is covered with a soft padded cushion. The folds give rythm and volume to the shell, making this backrest stool a must-have in a kitchen with peninsula or in a contract interior design project. Ultralight, swiveling, with adjustable height, footrest and backrest: the barstools with backrest Axel and Axel X, which differ in the base, have got everything they need to be considered sophisticated items of modern design.
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