Ligne Roset
Ligne Roset Utopia 櫃子
Utopia 系列包括 4 件:3 門餐具櫃、4 門餐具櫃、臨時單元和矮桌。 每件作品的正面都有 doucine 細節,頂部逐漸變細,底部更寬。 內部飾有巧克力漆,與外部飾面完美協調。 如果您希望獲得更加深思熟慮的“令人驚嘆的效果”,偶爾單元的右側有可選的照明,從上到下照亮整個內部。 這是由門傳感器觸發的,其煙灰色擴散器過濾光線以避免眩光,同時仍提供充足的光線。
Ligne Roset Utopia Sideboard
The Utopia collection comprises 4 pieces : the 3-door sideboard, the 4-door sideboard, the occasional unit, and the low table. The fronts of each piece have the doucine detailing, tapered towards the top and broader at the bottom. The interior is finished in chocolat lacquer, in perfect harmony with the external veneer finish. If you are looking to achieve an even more deliberate "wow effect", there is the optional illumination for the right-hand side of the occasional unit, which illuminates the whole interior from top to bottom. This is triggered by a door sensor and its smoked grey diffuser filters the light to avoid glare whilst still providing plenty of light.
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