Ligne Roset
Ligne Roset Coplan 櫃子
頂部採用巧克力漆或白色、白色大理石效果或金屬無菸煤陶瓷粗陶器完成。 陶器的核心是彩色的,其表面比花崗岩硬 30%。 它的抗划痕、抗污漬和抗熱衝擊性能非常出色,使其特別適合用作餐具櫃頂部,可用於容納各種不同的物品。
還添加了新的飾面:帶有 45° 蕨類圖案的胡桃木貼面門和帶有垂直紋理的胡桃木貼面側面。 在這種情況下,頂部提供巧克力漆或 3 陶瓷粗陶飾面。
底座為黑色漆鋼,帶有與之匹配的漆面鋅合金門按鈕; 或鍍鉻鋼,帶鍍鉻鋅合金門按鈕。
Ligne Roset Coplan Sideboard
The top is finished in either chocolat lacquer or in white, white marble-effect or metallic anthracite ceramic stoneware. Coloured to its core, ceramic stoneware offers a surface which is 30 % harder than granite. Its properties of resistance to scratches, stains and heat shocks are exceptional, making it particularly suitable for use as a sideboard top which will be called on to accommodate a whole range of different items.
A new finish has also been added: walnut veneered doors with 45° fern motif and walnut veneered sides with vertical grain. In this case, the top is offered in either chocolate lacquer or the 3 ceramic stoneware finishes. The base is in black lacquered steel with zamak door buttons lacquered to match; or in chromed steel with chromed zamak door buttons.
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