Saba Italia
Saba Italia Alphabet 桌子
967 Arch 符合品牌的風格規範,提供圓潤的辦公桌,能夠適應具有個性和輕盈的環境。 飾面遵循這一理念,與目錄中的產品系列相協調,可以自由組合。 像絲帶一樣展開的塗漆鐵結構、漆木彎曲的頂部以及支持技術的細節都以簡單、幾乎隱藏的識別標誌來解釋。 一個“秘書”抽屜完善了家具,同時保留了過去的味道,呈現出優雅和簡約。 對細節和工藝的關注為必不可少的設計錦上添花。 薩巴字母表中的另一個字母,用於講述尚未編寫的新故事和情感。
Saba Italia Alphabet Table
In compliance with the stylistic codes of the brand, 967 Arch offers a desk with rounded lines, able to fit into environments with personality and lightness. The finishes follow this philosophy, harmonizing with the family of products in the catalog, with which it can be freely combined. The varnished iron structure that unrolls like a ribbon, the curved top in lacquered wood and the details for the support of technology are interpreted with simple, almost hidden, identifying signs. A “secretaire” drawer completes the furniture while preserving a flavor of the past, presented with elegance and simplicity. The attention to detail and craftsmanship embellishes an essential design. Another letter in Saba’s alphabet, to narrate of new stories and emotions yet to be written.
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