Cassina Flutz 扶手椅
Flutz 扶手椅由邁克爾·阿納斯塔西亞德斯 (Michael Anastassiades) 設計,作為一種矛盾修辭法,採用樸素的金屬結構,包裹著舒適、誘人的座椅。 靈感:花樣滑冰優雅、完美的動作。 在 Flutz 設計椅子中,扶手由兩塊薄鋁板組成,由一塊隱形板連接,該板用於穩定底座並支撐舒適的軟墊座椅,因此座椅看起來像是懸空的。 Flutz 舒適而優雅,與同樣由塞浦路斯設計師設計的 Ordinal 餐桌搭配,構成完整的極簡主義家具系列。 此外,由於 Cassina LAB 開展的工作,椅子的所有部件都可以在其生命週期結束時拆卸。
Cassina Flutz armchair
The Flutz armchair is designed by Michael Anastassiades as an oxymoron, with an austere metal structure that embraces a comfortable, inviting seat. Inspiration: the elegant, flawless movements of figure skating. In the Flutz design chair, the armrests are made up of two thin aluminium sheets joined by an invisible plate that serves to stabilize the base and to support the comfortable, padded seat which, thus, appears to be suspended. Comfortable and elegant, Flutz pairs with the Ordinal dining table, also by the Cyprian designer, for a complete minimalist line of furnishings. In addition, thanks to the work carried out by Cassina LAB, all of the pieces of the chair can be disassembled at the end of its life cycle.
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