Alcarol Surfacing Fisheye 凳子
新的 Surface FishEye 充分體現了 alcarol 對這一非凡環境的水下橫截面的想法:將 bricola 最私密的物質暴露出來,揭示其在威尼斯運河中悠久的重要歷史的所有痕跡,並使其成為 用手觸摸。 通過用樹脂填充船蛆留下的空隙並捕獲水下氣泡,alcarol 實現了一種新的功能,通過詩意的選擇將材料置於水面之下,在其循環結束時凍結時間並賦予其新的生命。 浪費了。
Alcarol Surfacing Fisheye Stool
The new Surfacing FishEye fully engages the alcarol’s idea of submerged cross-section of this extraordinary setting: the most intimate matter of the bricola is brought to light, revealing all the traces of its long vital history among the Venetian canals, and allowing it to be touched by hand. By filling the gaps left by shipworms with resin and capturing the underwater air bubbles, alcarol achieves a new functionality with the poetic choice to bring the material beneath the water’s surface, freezing time at the end of its cycle and giving it a new life before it goes to waste.
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