Emmemobili In-Finito 櫃子
In-Finito 櫥櫃同時是一個容器、圖書館和 boiserie。 水平的木製背景包含不同的存儲元素,例如抽屜單元、帶門的隔間和不同寬度的開放空間,並因壁板背景的存在而更加豐富。 In-Finito 構成了一個真正的系統,具有各種尺寸和飾面,因為它可以並排放置、重疊和無限複製。
Emmemobili In-Finito Storage
The In-Finito cabinet is a container, library and boiserie at the same time. A horizontal wooden backdrop houses different storage elements, such as drawer units, compartments with doors and open spaces of different widths, enriched by the presence of a boiserie background. In-Finito constitutes a true system, in various sizes and finishes, because it can be placed side by side, overlapped and replicated ad infinitum.
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