Emmemobili Fractal 櫃子
分形家具系列的設計靈感來自分形幾何。 一種幾何對象,它在其形狀和不同尺度上重複自身,擴大或縮小自身,即使獲得與原始形狀相似的形狀。 “分形”一詞來自拉丁文fractus,即碎片化。 事實上,Fractal 看到了線性木製元素的重現,在它們的截面中成形,它們以不同的柔和傾斜度彼此跟隨,這使得組合物絕對是可塑性的,但同時又是振動的。
Emmemobili Fractal Storage
The design of the collection of furniture Fractal is inspired by the fractal geometry. A geometric object that repeats itself in its shape and at different scales, expanding or reducing itself, even though obtaining a shape similar to the original one. The term “fractal” comes from the Latin fractus, i.e. fragmented. Fractal sees, in fact, the recurrence of linear wooden elements, shaped in their section, which follow one another facing themselves in different soft inclinations, which make the composition definitely plastic but, at the same time, vibrating.
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